Who are the people behind Turd Words?
Well wouldn't we all like to know? Actually, Turd Words is comprised of two people who
designed the site, and come up with the words on a daily basis. Yes, there are others
who help us come up with the words but for the most part the heavy task falls upon our shoulders
to help fill in the gaps in the English language.
Turd Word Editor #1
Name Dirty Minded Eddie
Well, there isn't too much to say about Eddie. Other than that he eats A LOT.
These eating binges result in many trips to the good-old commode.
In this picture, we catch him in the act of brainstorming for the newest word.
Email Eddie
Turd Word Editor #2
Name RJ
Here's a picture of RJ, our filthy editor doing what he does best. Sometimes he
get's so excited that he just drops onto all fours and humps the floor -- even
in public. Perhaps we'll release the full video of this one...
Email RJ